Author Archive
Stories written by Lucy Mitchell

Retail Sales Rose Steadily in January

According to a federal report released this morning, retail sales in the US rose steadily in January at a rate of 4.2% for the month. The entire US retail sector has been enjoying a surge in demand. With the retail sector now in high gear there are plenty of other industries that have been finding […]

Samsung Tablet Lagging in Sales

Sales of the new Galaxy Tablet by Samsung in the US are lagging according to a new report released this morning. The tablet was designed to be a complete competitor for the Apple offering in the market but thus far they have been falling behind the curve. According to the report, the Galaxy tablet is […]

Kindle Books Defeat Paper Books on Amazon

Amazon, the worlds largest US-based online retailer announced yesterday that Kindle digital books have now out sold all other forms of books on their website. This is a dramatic turn of events for the entire publishing world. Electronic books have actually been in existence since the early days of the web explosion, about 20 years […]

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