Author Archive
Stories written by Christopher Walker

US Doctors React to HIV Cure Story

US doctors are concerned about the possible fallout after a news story yesterday showed that a German man was cured of HIV after receiving a blood stem cell transplant. AIDS clinics all over the US are reporting hundreds of phone calls from infected patients that want to receive the same procedure to be cured of […]

Virginia Judge Rules Healthcare Reform Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Virginia announced this morning that certain parts of the US healthcare reform bill are unconstitutional. According to the statements, the judge declared that the mandate within the healthcare reform bill that requires all Americans to buy health insurance by 2014 does not fall under the US Constitution. As such it cannot […]

Infections to Be Reported by US Hospitals

The US federal government announced this week that they will start requiring all US hospitals to report bloodstream infections from patients that were treated in intensive care units. Under the new federal guidelines, all hospitals who feature intensive care units for trauma and acute diseases must report to the government about hospital borne infections. This […]

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