Author Archive
Stories written by Christopher Walker

FDA Plans more Supplement Scrutiny

The Food and Drug Administration announced today that they will spend 2011 looking closer at the dietary supplements that are sold on the US market. According to the announcement, the FDA has discovered several supplements sold on the open market contain banned drug substances and other ingredients that are not listed on the label for […]

Alcohol Worsens Hangovers

A new research study released yesterday in the US shows that alcohol is not a cure for a hangover as once believed. Over the past 100 or more years people have lived by the old adage “hair of the dog that bit you” when it comes to curing a hangover. The adage means that you […]

Small Tongue Shocks may Aid Sleep Apnea

Inspire Medical Systems, a small US-based research lab has said that their new device, that sends small electrical shocks through the tongue, may be the new treatment for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common condition that can strike almost anyone in the world. The condition is marked by the sufferer failing to breath for […]

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