Author Archive
Stories written by Christopher Walker

First Obstacle Crossed in Healthcare Reform Repeal

US House leaders announced today that they have managed to clear one obstacle standing in the way of repealing the healthcare reform bill enacted by President Obama. According to the announcement, the first of the procedural obstacles has been cleared and Congressional leaders have agreed to hear the motion for repeal. The motion has already […]

Autism Study Deemed a Fraud

A study performed by a British doctor in 1998 was released in the US linked autism to childhood vaccinations. However, yesterday the study was found to be based on fraudulent information. Andrew Wakefield, the UK doctor responsible for the study, was officially stripped of his medical license in May of 2010. Medical researchers started to question […]

Stem Cells to be Tested for Macular Degeneration

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a landmark test today to determine if Americans with macular degeneration will benefit from having an infusion of stem cells. The study is being carried out by researchers who believe that they can end blindness with the stem cells. They have developed a set of cells that are […]

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