Author Archive
Stories written by Christopher Walker

House Closes in on Healthcare Repeal

Yesterday Congressional leaders had their first full day of debate on the proposed repeal of the Healthcare Reform Act and this morning House republicans announced that they are closer to killing the unpopular bill in the US. The majority of republicans promised that they would repeal the measure if they were elected. However, a new […]

Giffords Expected to Make Full Recovery

Gabrielle Giffords, the US Rep shot in the head during the Arizona rampage is expected to make a full recovery, her doctors said in a statement this morning. Giffords is a long time political leader from Arizona and was making a speech and meeting voters during a small political event in Tucson. Jared Loughner, 22, opened […]

Healthcare Repeal Vote to Happen Next Week

US Congressional leaders announced today that they will vote on the measure to repeal the healthcare reform act next week. The vote was scheduled to take place today but Congress made this week a time of mourning for the losses in Arizona and a matter of respect for Rep Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in the […]

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