Author Archive
Stories written by Christopher Walker

President Agrees to Fix Healthcare Reform Act

President Obama took the podium yesterday in Washington to speak with congressional leaders about his desire to fix, not repeal, the healthcare reform act. According to his statements, the act is solid in substance but has some areas that need to be adjusted. As such he is calling on the now republican controlled House to […]

Fitness Guru Jack Lalanne Dies at 96

Jack Lalanne, a world-renowned fitness expert, died on Sunday at the age of 96 after an extended illness. Lalanne became famous for his extreme fitness regimen that he taught to millions of Americans each and every year. Even at the age of 96 he was considered to be in better shape than people who were just one-quarter […]

Woman Able to Speak after Rare Transplant

A California woman, Brenda Jensen, is able to speak today for the first time in 11 years after she received a radical voice box transplant earlier this month. Jensen was unable to speak, breathe, eat or smell after her throat and larynx was damaged during a previous hospital visit. She was in the hospital for […]

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