Author Archive
Stories written by Christophe Hitz

How Home Warranty Benefits Your Home and Budget

How Home Warranty Benefits Your Home and Budget

What Do We Understand by the Term Home Warranty? A home warranty is a yearly service contract that deals with covering the repairs and replacement of important appliances and any system components that are damaged overtime in the house. Home warranties cover replacement of damaged appliances as well, and you can either call the company […]

Get Solar Energy for your home

Get Solar Energy for your home

Get Solar Energy for your home Solar Energy is simply transformed light from the sun into usable energy or electricity which can power your home and everyday appliances and utilities. By using photovoltaic cells, solar panel will convert raw sunlight to usable electricity. Solar energy is used by large companies but also for personal energy […]

Study shows that answering after work email is stressful

Study shows that answering after work email is stressful

Let’s imagine: It’s Saturday morning. You’re in the grandstands watching your child play soccer. But, rather than getting a charge out of the amusement, you’re supporting for a blast of emails from the manager, since that is her style. New research recommends she might do her workers more mischief than great. Anticipating that representatives should […]

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