Author Archive
Stories written by Brian Scott

Fans Thrive on Breaking Dawn Leaks

Twilight fans from all over the world thrive on the leaked photos and videos of the upcoming Breaking Dawn part 1 film, one half of the last film in the series. The newest leaked video appeared today on the web. The fever pitch of the Twilight franchise has created a new wave of rumors that […]

Snipes Ordered to Surrender Next Week

The decision was read today in Florida that Wesley Snipes, famed action actor, is required to surrender to federal authorities next Wednesday to begin serving a three-year sentence for income tax evasion. This is the last straw for Snipes who has been battling for a new hearing in the case while remaining free on bail. […]

Supreme Court Passes on Illegal Downloads Case

The case of Whitney Harper, accused of illegal music downloads, was denied this morning by the US Supreme Court, a ruling that is considered devastating to her case. Whitney Harper was a teenager when she downloaded just over 500 songs from a peer-to-peer file sharing site and continued to share them with her friends. Little […]

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