First Obstacle Crossed in Healthcare Reform Repeal

Jan 10 2011
First Obstacle Crossed in Healthcare Reform Repeal

First Obstacle Crossed in Healthcare Reform Repeal - Image via Wikipedia

US House leaders announced today that they have managed to clear one obstacle standing in the way of repealing the healthcare reform bill enacted by President Obama.

According to the announcement, the first of the procedural obstacles has been cleared and Congressional leaders have agreed to hear the motion for repeal. The motion has already cleared the Senate, making it possible for newly elected republicans that now control the House, to move forward with the repeal.

Republicans that were recently elected to Congress, and managed to take control with the majority vote, ran their elections on a platform of repealing the healthcare reform bill. The bill has been largely unpopular since it was first enacted, creating a division in the US between those that support the president and those that oppose such government intervention.

However, the republicans realize that they are fighting a massive battle when it comes to the repeal. President Obama has already vowed to veto any actions taken against the bill which would mean that Congress would need to pass the motion with a full vote of confidence lest the measure be shot down.

Congressional leaders said today that they are not totally against the idea of healthcare reform. However, they also noted that several of the clauses in the current bill make it difficult for some Americans to maintain a normal life. The most unpopular of these clauses is the fact that all Americans will be required to carry health insurance by 2014.

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