Magazines Failing with iPad Editions

Dec 29 2010
Magazines Failing with iPad Editions

Magazines Failing with iPad Editions - Image via Wikipedia

Apple announced this morning that US-based sales of iPad only magazines have dropped after a first month surge in the number of subscriptions.

Several magazines jumped on board with the idea of iPad magazines. This is all part of the push by many magazine companies to move towards a more green outlook. They are also looking to save some cash by avoiding the high cost of printing which has become far above what most magazines have paid in the past.

But now things appear to be a bit more grim for the entire magazine on iPad market. The number of iPads on the market is high but the fact is that not all iPad owners are willing to pay the subscription prices for the magazines. However, most of the subscriptions come with an auto renew feature that has saved the bottom line for most.

Still there is a sense in the market that shows that some people in the US have just not signed on to the idea of actually getting their magazines through their iPads. Many still enjoy the feel of a paper magazine in their hands and being able to share that magazine with friends and family.

Some companies are working with the idea of a combined release. They are offering their subscribers both iPad editions as well as the paper editions to bridge the gap between the two versions. This, according to many experts, may be enough to transform the market into one that is viable and more profitable in the long run.

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