Lohan Accuser Drops Charges

Dec 25 2010
Lohan Accuser Drops Charges

Lohan Accuser Drops Charges - Image via Wikipedia

Dawn Holland, former employee of US-based Betty Ford rehab clinic, announced this morning that she was dropping all charges against Lindsay Lohan.

The charges against Lohan stemmed from an altercation with Holland who was working as a nurse at Betty Ford up until a few days ago. Holland accused Lohan of pushing her, causing her to fall which sprained her arm and caused severe bruising on other parts of her body.

If convicted Lohan could have faced up to one year in prison along with a violation of her probation which would have added another 6 months to the sentence.

Many are wondering about the change of heart that Holland has exhibited just one day after claiming that Lohan was going to be prosecuted for the crime. It is widely believed that a cash settlement has been reached between Lohan and Holland, though Holland denies any cash has changed hands.

With this new development Lohan will likely be freed from the clinic, which was court ordered, during the second week of January when she is set to appear in court for an update hearing.

Dawn Holland was fired from Betty Ford following the altercation for speaking with the media about the incident. The clinic officials said that they have a strict confidentiality policy with all patients and that Holland violated those policies by speaking with TMZ.com, the popular celebrity gossip site.

Thus far there has been no official statement from Lindsay Lohan or her family about the decision by Holland.

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