Massive Storms Limit California Travel

Dec 24 2010
Massive Storms Limit California Travel

Massive Storms Limit California Travel - Image via Wikipedia

Over the past three days massive storms have pummeled California which has virtually crippled the entire tourist industry for the US state.

The storm systems have been making their way from the ocean across California. They have dumped mass amounts of rain and brought with them damaging hail and fierce winds. For three solid days the storms rolled in and the aftermath of their destruction path is not pretty.

The entire state is in a panic as the cleanup effort begins. Thousands are still without power in many areas and mudslides have caused millions in damage to homes all over California.

The budget strapped state depends on the money that is made from tourism. Furthermore, with the busy holiday travel season in full swing, the losses to the airlines could be massive as many have been diverted to other airports in light of the storm fronts that have moved in.

As these storms cross the country they become winter storms. Several other US states have been hit by the same storms but in the form of freezing rain, snow and ice. As of right now there is no indication that the storms will continue any further.

The California government is calling on the governor to declare a state of emergency in some areas. There were several lives claimed by the massive mudslides that hit some of the elevated areas around the state and cleaning up such a disaster is a long and drawn out process.

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