Overseas Travel Declining

Feb 5 2011
Overseas Travel Declining

Overseas Travel Declining - Image via Wikipedia

According to a recent report by the federal government, released yesterday, the number of US citizens that are traveling overseas has declined in the last ten years.

This number is troubling to many, especially to the countries that are dealing with massive declines in their budgets as the tourism dollars begin to drop. However, many have said that there is a logical explanation for the decline.

The largest portion of the decline can be blamed on the fact that passport guidelines have become far more strict since 9/11. As a matter of fact, it is more difficult for the average citizen of the US to even cross into Canada in this day and age than it was before the famed terrorist attacks.

Many believe that traveling overseas is not worth the hassle anymore. This is in addition to the fact that having to maintain health insurance that will be accepted overseas and then all the required medical appointments makes the allure of traveling to the overseas nations sound like more trouble than they are worth.

As such Americans tend to be staying closer to home in this day and age. People are venturing further within the US but they are generally staying within the confines of the country.

This is even true of those that would most often travel to Mexico. The travel to Mexico has been virtually crippled thanks to the drug wars that have plagued the country for the past several years and continue to threaten those from the foreign lands.

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