Healthcare Reform Decision Coming Today

Jan 31 2011
Healthcare Reform Decision Coming Today

Healthcare Reform Decision Coming Today - Image via Wikipedia

A decision on the fate of the healthcare reform act will likely be handed down today by an US federal judge.

The judge in the case has been charged with determining if the healthcare reform act violates the basic rights in the US Constitution. This has been a major battle played out on the forefront of the need for change in the US healthcare system.

This unfolds as California residents are facing a 60% rate increase for most health insurance companies. According to the statements from the companies, the increase comes just as the new regulations take effect and they have said that the act is the main reason for the increase.

Nonetheless, Congress is still stuck on the idea of repealing the entire law but they are running into roadblocks every step of the way. While the governing body has already voted for repeal, their democratic foes in the Senate have already vowed to kill the repeal when it lands in their hands.

As such there is a chance that the bill will stand unless the judge in the case rules that it violates the Constitution. If that is the case then it will likely be overturned by the High Court and then sent back to Congress for cleansing from the books all the way around.

President Obama has once again urged the republican leaders to work with him in fixing the law. Thus far the leaders have not responded to the calls from the president.

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