Woman Able to Speak after Rare Transplant

Jan 22 2011
Woman Able to Speak after Rare Transplant

Woman Able to Speak after Rare Transplant - Image via Wikipedia

A California woman, Brenda Jensen, is able to speak today for the first time in 11 years after she received a radical voice box transplant earlier this month.

Jensen was unable to speak, breathe, eat or smell after her throat and larynx was damaged during a previous hospital visit. She was in the hospital for kidney failure stemming from her long battle with diabetes and continually attempted to pull out a respirator tube that damaged her throat permanently.

However, doctors decided to attempt a radical surgery that has only been performed one other time in the entire world. 13 days after the surgery was completed Jensen was able to speak her first words.

Now Jensen will spend the better part of a year learning all the things that she has forgotten. She must be taught how to eat properly, breathe without assistance, and how to speak clearly.

While the original theory was that Jensen would take on the voice of the person from whom she received the voice box, the doctors have said that she will regain her old voice. According to their statement, the way that air passes through the larynx and throat and then over the tongue is unique to each person.

Jensen told reporters that she was pleased with the outcome and is ready to get back to normal life. She will remain in the hospital for the next several weeks as doctors gauge her recovery and begin her therapy.

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