House Closes in on Healthcare Repeal

Jan 19 2011
House Closes in on Healthcare Repeal

House Closes in on Healthcare Repeal - Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday Congressional leaders had their first full day of debate on the proposed repeal of the Healthcare Reform Act and this morning House republicans announced that they are closer to killing the unpopular bill in the US.

The majority of republicans promised that they would repeal the measure if they were elected. However, a new poll shows that support for the act has been growing with many around the country. Many democrats have said that this is due to the fact that citizens are able to better understand that basics for the reform act after discussions with several professionals.

Nonetheless, Congress is moving forward with the repeal vote, which is expected to take place this week. But the leaders are facing a new challenge once they have repealed the former. They will have to develop their own plan for Healthcare Reform which is going to be a difficult task.

Many in the government fear that any new reform bill for the healthcare system would simply be just as bad if not worse than that original measure. Republicans are well-known for cutting corners and costs and that could become a disaster when they attempt to overhaul the healthcare system in the US.

At the same time the White House has announced a complete review of the healthcare system as well as all regulations that are said to be holding the economic growth of the system back.

President Obama is hoping that the congressional leaders will agree to a compromise ahead of a complete repeal.

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