Giffords Expected to Make Full Recovery

Jan 16 2011
Giffords Expected to Make Full Recovery

Giffords Expected to Make Full Recovery - Image via Wikipedia

Gabrielle Giffords, the US Rep shot in the head during the Arizona rampage is expected to make a full recovery, her doctors said in a statement this morning.

Giffords is a long time political leader from Arizona and was making a speech and meeting voters during a small political event in Tucson. Jared Loughner, 22, opened fire during the event, killing several people and wounding several others.

Giffords received a shot to the head and was immediately rushed to the local hospital. She underwent emergency surgery for her wounds and today she appears to be moving forward with her recovery much better than anyone would ever expect.

Doctors said that under normal circumstances a gunshot wound to the head is a death sentence. However, in less than 1% of all cases, the bullet takes a less direct path through the brain and in doing so it does not damage normal brain function. This was the case with Giffords.

Just one day after surgery she was able to follow basic commands, such as squeezing a hand and holding up a certain number of fingers. Several days later she opened her eyes for the first time since the shooting.

However, doctors have said that there are still several tests that need to be performed before a perfect bill of health can be offered. They have said that there will likely be some minor memory loss and possible motor skill issues that could come about as a result of the wound that Giffords suffered.

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