Healthcare Repeal Vote to Happen Next Week

Jan 13 2011
Healthcare Repeal Vote to Happen Next Week

Healthcare Repeal Vote to Happen Next Week - Image via Wikipedia

US Congressional leaders announced today that they will vote on the measure to repeal the healthcare reform act next week.

The vote was scheduled to take place today but Congress made this week a time of mourning for the losses in Arizona and a matter of respect for Rep Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head during the attacks.

But the majority leader of the House has said that the vote will happen next week. Most believe that the repeal will pass through the House easily. Once the vote is passed and tallied then the bill will be dead on the floor of Congress.

This will be a troubling time for President Obama. He ran his campaign for the presidency based on the idea of healthcare reform and thus far the bill has been nothing like the promises that he made to the American people almost four years ago.

However, with the vote upcoming, President Obama has a unique opportunity to work with the Congressional leaders to draft a healthcare reform bill that would be a compromise between the democrats and the republicans and would hopefully resonate with the American people at the same time.

The House majority leader has said that if the entire healthcare reform act cannot be repealed then the republicans will likely seek to kill individual parts of the bill, including the mandatory health insurance by 2014 and other such amendments to the act.

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