Walgreens Partners with Feds to Provide Flu Shots

Dec 19 2010
Walgreens Partners with Feds to Provide Flu Shots

Walgreens Partners with Feds to Provide Flu Shots - Image via Wikipedia

Walgreens, the largest US pharmacy, has agreed to join forces with the Federal government today to provide flu shots to those that have no health insurance and those that are under insured.

This new push by the government is taking aim at those who cannot afford the flu shot on their own. Millions of Americans go without the flu shot each year because they cannot afford it or their cut-rate insurance company refuses to cover it.

Walgreens agreed to provide $10 million in vouchers to those that cannot afford the shot. Early estimates suggest that some 350,000 people will receive free flu shots through the program.

Walgreens is one of the few private companies in the US that provide flu shots at their retail locations. Most pharmacies avoid such programs because of the possible liability that comes with injecting customers with the vaccine.

However, Walgreens has been providing the flu shot to their customers for the past 10 years and has not had a single lawsuit filed against them. As such the Federal government is encouraging other pharmacy companies to follow the same path in providing the flu shots to those who need them.

The vouchers that will be provided by Walgreens can be used at locations all over the US. The pharmacy centers will be providing the shots along with a group of partnered health clinics that work with the network to provide affordable healthcare to those in need, including those with inadequate insurance.

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