Miley Cyrus Video Sparks Anti-Saliva Campaign

Dec 11 2010
Miley Cyrus Video Sparks Anti-Saliva Campaign

Miley Cyrus Video Sparks Anti-Saliva Campaign - mage via Wikipedia

Yesterday, the celebrity news website, released a video of Miley Cyrus smoking a substance from a water pipe, also known as a bong.

While the first reports said that Cyrus was smoking marijuana, it has now been determined that she was smoking a natural herb that is known as saliva. The herb is grown and exported from Mexico and is known to have similar properties as LSD and Heroin.

However, experts have said that the herb is not addictive and usually creates such an unpleasant experience for the user that they do not want to try it again. But the video of Cyrus partaking of the drug has sparked a new wave of controversy over the substance.

Two years ago there was a failed bid to ban saliva in the US. The DEA only lists the substance as “a drug of concern” but there have been no proven medical pitfalls with the substance which means it cannot be banned under federal law. However, the DEA is looking at possibly placing controls on the drug to regulate its use.

The officials at Disney, where Cyrus is currently under contract for her hit television show Hannah Montana, are reportedly displeased with the actions of their star. Parenting groups have also come out of the woodwork and blasted young Cyrus for not living up to her role model status with the young girls of the world.

According to new reports, several lawmakers have started a new campaign to ban saliva in the US-based on the video of Cyrus using the substance.

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