PETA Plans Pope Condom Ads

Dec 5 2010
PETA Plans Pope Condom Ads

PETA Plans Pope Condom Ads - Image via Wikipedia

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, announced today that they will start placing ads all over the US that use the newest Pope Benedict condom ruling as their basis.

PETA is on the forefront of the movement to ensure that animals are spayed or neutered to prevent over population. The pet population in the world has skyrocketed in the past ten years and breeding has become a way of life. However, this has also led to a surge in the number of unwanted animals.

PETA is against the humane euthanizing of healthy animals and is looking for way to spread the word about preventing populations of cats and dogs from exploding. They found the perfect way to do this when Pope Benedict loosened the restrictions on condom use through the Catholic Church.

However, the Pope announced that he has only agreed to condom usage to prevent the spread of diseases, such as AIDS. The Church still remains hard lined on the idea of birth control. Nonetheless, PETA plans to use the popularity of this announcement to reach the people of the US and help prevent unwanted pets.

PETA announced that the ads would start appearing in the US after the first of the year. They are planning to target all major cities and hopefully make a difference in the number of unwanted pets that are born every year. They are also encouraging consumers to not give pets as Christmas gifts as they are often unwanted.

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