US Braces for Flat Travel Season

Dec 2 2010
US Braces for Flat Travel Season

US Braces for Flat Travel Season - Image via Wikipedia

Airlines and travel groups all over the US announced yesterday that they are anticipating a flat travel season stemming from problems with airport security as well as the still slumping economy.

Airlines are already struggling to recover since 9/11 and the famed terrorist attacks. At that point the cost of security in airports tripled and those costs were passed along to the air travel companies. Furthermore, the cost of fuel has increased several times over since the attacks took place.

Now the panic over security measures and the grim outlook for certain sectors of the economy may cause increased problems with the upcoming travel season. The travel sector received a much-needed boost over the Thanksgiving holiday but that took them only so far and they need much more relief in the coming months.

The problems stemming from the increased security measures continue as more passengers battle back against the protocols. However, a new report shows that consumers are more concerned about the newest reports on the economy that show unemployment is back on the rise.

This is leading many to believe that it could be a lean season for the airlines and travel companies. They are already bracing for this event as they are preparing to lower fares during the off-season to entice further passengers.

The overall numbers for the holiday season have been good, with only minor setbacks in the total air travel industry. Industry leaders hope that changes will happen soon that could rescue the slumping sector.

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