Healthcare Repeal Could Be Bad News

Nov 29 2010
Healthcare Repeal Could Be Bad News

Healthcare Repeal Could Be Bad News - Image via Wikipedia

In coming republicans said today that they would work to repeal the US healthcare reform bill when they officially take office in Congress for the coming year.

Many are concerned about the statements of the new congressional leaders as the healthcare reform bill has some good points.

While the bill itself is disputed on several points, like the requirement to carry health insurance starting in 2014 and fines for those that resist, there are some cases where the bill has changed the problems that are facing many Americans.

One of the biggest issues is the fact that the healthcare reform bill puts an end to lifetime caps on health insurance. At this time most health insurance plans have what they call a lifetime cap.

This is the maximum amount of money that the plan will spend on the subscriber before the insurance is cancelled. The reform bill put an end to this practice.

Furthermore, the healthcare reform bill has done away with the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions.

Health insurance companies are well-known for not offering coverage to many who have renal failure, cancer and even AIDS. With the new reform bill the insurance companies would no longer be able to turn down such coverage.

But still the republicans have said that they will work hard to remove the bill from law. It is unlikely that they will be able to accomplish this before the 2014 deadline but they are still promising some hard work on the issue until that point.

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