Feds Seize Counterfeit Goods Websites

Nov 29 2010
Feds Seize Counterfeit Goods Websites

Feds Seize Counterfeit Goods Websites - Image by Matthieu Dejardins, eCommerce Activist via Flickr

The US government announced this morning that they have seized 82 websites that were selling counterfeit goods all over the internet.

This seizure is just the latest in a long line of seizures carried out recently aimed at protecting the American financial system. The government contends that the websites seized today were selling counterfeit goods, pretending to be some of the most expensive merchandise in the world.

Earlier in the year federal agents purchased goods from the websites. They coincided their raid on the sites with the famed Cyber Monday sales and were able to shut down the companies before any more unsuspecting consumers found the bargains and starting buying.

The federal government has said that the sale of counterfeit goods is a massive threat to the financial well-beingĀ of US businesses. They have taken a hard-line on the sale of such items and have been working hard to disrupt the flow of these products as they are placed on the internet.

This raid coincides with a similar incident where domains were captured by the feds that were allowing the sharing of illegally downloaded music, movies and other forms of entertainment.

However, industry experts have said that the government is not dealing much of a blow to the companies that are selling these products. They will normally just register a new domain and begin selling the products all over again under a new name.

The federal government is looking to step up enforcement on such copyright laws by making dummy purchases from a wide variety of internet sites

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