National Parks Hot Travel Locations

Nov 28 2010
National Parks Hot Travel Locations

National Parks Hot Travel Locations - Image via Wikipedia

International travel has been waning in the US this year according to a new report released yesterday as travelers are staying closer to home.

Concerns over the economic and safety issues for the overseas countries have caused many Americans to change their travel plans.

The decision to stay within the US has also increased travel to some interesting locations around the country, most notably the national parks that have been havens for those seeking natural wonders and breathtaking views.

The national parks in the US have said that they are seen a surge in the number of visitors in the past year. Those national parks that reside within the warmer climates also find that winter time travel is well ahead of what it has been in the past several years.

Leaving the country for holiday travel used to be a standard for many families. They would head to a tropical location and spend a week basking in the sun. However, many of the countries have been hit recently with massive crime, kidnappings and economic concerns that are creating downfalls in the tourist trade.

But the national parks and monuments around the US are enjoying their new-found popularity. Most are supported by tourist dollars during the year and with the increased in travelers they are gaining increased revenues.

This will allow the parks to keep staff and even hire new employees for the coming year, something that they have been unable to do for the past five years at most locations.

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