E-Reader Market Gets Crowded

Nov 26 2010
E-Reader Market Gets Crowded

E-Reader Market Gets Crowded - Cover via Amazon

As shoppers all over the US hit the stores today those looking for an e-reader to fulfill a Christmas wish will have a lot to choose from.

At one time there was but a few devices on the market designed to read e-books away from the personal computer. However the e-book market has improved over the past several years as publishers are seeing a lot of success and lower costs with the digital editions.

As such the number of e-readers has started to multiply. Kindle, the popular device from Amazon, has been dominating the market for the past year. But, Sony and Barnes and Noble have both released e-readers for this holiday season, pushing for a piece of the new reader market.

Competing with the major players is the low-grade devices that are hitting the stores this season. Several Asian made devices for reading e-books are starting to become popular as they are offered for well below the standard retail price.

Barnes and Noble as well as Amazon are hoping to attract their customers back with the increased capabilities of their e-readers. Both companies have announced that their e-readers will feature color screens, something that is uncommon in the reader market, but the new screens are far more expensive than the black and white offerings.

As such the companies are now competing for their share of the market. Targeting the readers of the world has paid off thus far and most readers are becoming hot sellers this holiday season.

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