AIDS Recedes but Troubles Remain

Nov 23 2010
AIDS Recedes but Troubles Remain

AIDS Recedes but Troubles Remain - Image via Wikipedia

The World Health Organization said today that the AIDS epidemic has started to recede but the troubles remain for those already infected.

While the instance of new cases of AIDS and HIV has started to fade, those who have been infected need medical attention, something that is often lacking. This is where the problem with AIDS lies. Those who need the medical attention are not getting it which can lead to further infections and even death.

The World Health Organization is sponsoring a new plan that will give free medical help to those that have been diagnosed with AIDS or HIV, which is the virus that causes AIDS. 

This program would allow AIDS clinics to offer the free care through a federal funding program that is currently in the works.

However, this is a low way from a sure thing. The instances of AIDS in the US are currently at their lowest rate in over 20 years and the federal government is not paying much attention to the AIDS problem. They have been concentrating all of their efforts on the childhood obesity rate lately, leaving AIDS patients out in the cold.

The AIDS virus has claimed over 30 million lives in 30 years. This includes the years when AIDS was still unnamed and untreatable. During the 1980’s doctors were struggling to put a name to disease and were completely in the dark when it came to how to treat the condition.

These days there are new antiviral medications that have been showing promise in AIDS treatments.

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