Pack of Lies From Anderson Sheen Alleges

Nov 23 2010
Pack of Lies From Anderson Sheen Alleges

Pack of Lies From Anderson Sheen Alleges - Image via Wikipedia

Charlie Sheen’s attorney said this morning that Capri Anderson told nothing but a ‘pack of lies’ when she appeared on a television news program yesterday in New York.

Sheen and Anderson, an adult film actress, have been trying to settle their dispute for almost a month now.

However, the incident has come to a head after Sheen’s attorney filed a lawsuit against Anderson and her attorney claiming extortion.

The entire incident stems from last month’s debacle in New York’s Plaza Hotel. Anderson was found naked in a hotel bathroom, in the room registered to Charlie Sheen.

 Sheen had flown into a rage and Anderson said that she locked herself in the bathroom and called security.

Anderson was asked if she had been harmed during the incident and she said no. She was also asked if she was being held against her will and again she replied no.

However, she is now claiming that she feared for her life and she is meeting with the NYPD to seek criminal charges against Sheen.

The lawsuit against Anderson filed by Sheen’s attorney claims that Anderson attempted to extort $1 million from the famed sitcom actor and when he refused to pay the money she said she would go on television and lie about the events.

Now both sides have started with the lawsuits and they are both looking to get paid. Sheen is asking for unspecified damages in his case, while Anderson has said that she will not settle for anything under $1 million should the case go to court.

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