Former Flight Attendant Steven Slater Lands New Job

Nov 16 2010
Former Flight Attendant Steven Slater Lands New Job

Former Flight Attendant Steven Slater Lands New Job - Image via Wikipedia

Late yesterday it was reported that former JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater had taken a new job for an US based text messaging company.

Line2, the company that created an app for in-flight text messaging on Wi-Fi enabled flights, hired Slater to judge a competition for the worst or craziest air travel story sent into the service.

Slater made nationwide headlines when he entered into a verbal argument with a passenger, spewed insults over the plane’s loudspeaker, and then grabbed two beers and slid down the inflatable emergency chute.

Slater was later arrested and charged with criminal mischief. He would eventually plead guilty to the charges and be sentenced to a mental health facility and a hefty fine.

However, Slater has become a folk hero to the flight attendant industry. They are hoping that through his efforts the industry would change and there would be a return to civility and manners on board flights.

Slater and other flight attendants in the world have had to endure abuse at the hands of surly passengers for years now. When travel delays and increased security became par for the course, the treatment of flight attendants went out the window. This is something that the industry leaders wish to change.

But for Slater it is the end of an era. He officially resigned from JetBlue as of September 1st and is set to start his new position as of November 30th.

There is no word about whether or not he has completed his court required mental health assessment.

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