New Fast Food Bans in Works

Nov 9 2010
New Fast Food Bans in Works

New Fast Food Bans in Works - Image via Wikipedia

Several states in the US announced today that they will seek further bans against fast food chains all over the nation, some of which may include soft drinks.

Last week it was reported that San Francisco became the first major US city to ban the use of toys in kid’s meals that were unhealthy. While the ban has been viewed as laughable by many in the industry, the same lawmakers are now eyeing new bans that are aimed at curbing the obesity problem.

According to the new reports, the lawmakers are considering a full ban on sugary soft drinks that are offered with kid’s meals. This is not going to be easy for the lawmakers to pass but they are considering the measures nonetheless.

Fast food companies are already scrambling to fight back against the bans. McDonald’s has pledged to lead the way against the lawmakers. They have vowed to file lawsuits on behalf of all fast food chains to fight the bans.

Industry experts have said that the bans may not stand up against the lawsuits. With more voters fighting back against big government who are also displeased with government bodies interfering with business, the lawsuits will likely be successful.

Nonetheless, it could be years before any kind of real action is taken by the courts. Other US cities are already vowing to take similar action against fast food chains that they say are targeting young children and adding to the early onset obesity issue in this country.

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