Capri Anderson Levels Accusations Against Sheen

Nov 5 2010
Capri Anderson Levels Accusations Against Sheen

Capri Anderson Levels Accusations Against Sheen - Image via Wikipedia

The porn actress who was found locked in a New York hotel room bathroom while Charlie Sheen was destroying the room has leveled some accusations against the famed actor this afternoon.

Capri Anderson, a well known porn actress, has said that Sheen is responsible for damaging her property, including a $150,000 purse. According to Anderson, Sheen was so enraged over a missing watch that he destroyed her purse in the process.

This is all part of the ongoing drama that has surrounded Sheen since he was found drunk in a hotel room. However, Sheen seems to have emerged clean on the other side, still appearing on his hit sitcom and making over $1 million per episode.

However, Anderson continues to work to keep herself in the spotlight. Soon after the story broke it was discovered that Anderson was once the subject of a Girls Gone Wild video shoot. The company has since started to feature the footage of Anderson on their website.

Anderson has said that she plans to sue Sheen for damages and emotional distress. While most in the entertainment industry believe that Anderson has little chance of success in such a lawsuit.

Sheen is still one of the most well thought of actors in Hollywood. As a member of one of the finest acting families in Hollywood and has enjoyed a long career. The network that produces his hit sitcom is keeping a close eye on their star, hoping that his problems will work themselves out.

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