Adult Actor With HIV Did not Infect Others

Nov 7 2010
Adult Actor With HIV Did not Infect Others

Adult Actor With HIV Did not Infect Others - Image via Wikipedia

Last month the adult film industry in California was virtually shut down when an actor in one of the productions was discovered to have HIV. Today the clinic where the testing took place announced that the actor had not spread the infection to other actors.

The clinic issued a statement saying that “Patient Zeta” contracted the disease through personal interaction, not while shooting a film. All actors that had any kind of interaction with the patient were tested on two occasions and no other infections were found.

The governing bodies have used this latest scare as a springboard for the use of condoms on all adult films. After the 1980’s uprising of AIDS in the adult film industry, many called for condoms to be used but the industry has fought the regulation.

However, many of the companies that have been affected by the recent scare have said that they will start to require that condoms are used in all scenes where intercourse takes place.

In the 1980’s the adult film industry nearly collapsed after hundreds of actors and actresses were discovered to have AIDS. The spread of AIDS was out of control at the time and many famed actors quit the business for fear of infection.

The industry hopes that they will be able to use this latest incident as a teaching platform for the companies. The spread of HIV is still a real problem in the industry, according to the industry leaders, and they have all begun mandatory testing for all performers.

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