New 7 Inch Tab Hitting US

Nov 2 2010
New 7 Inch Tab Hitting US

New 7 Inch Tab Hitting US - Image via Wikipedia

Viewsonic made the official announcement today that they will release a 7 inch tablet computer in the US by the end of the year.

This goes against everything that iconic Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said when he announced that all 7 inch tablets were dead and would not be able to compete against the iPad.

While it is true that the iPad has a much bigger screen, Viewsonic is still challenging the market with their new tablet. They are putting their eggs into the Google basket with this release by using the Android operating system for the first launch.

To hedge their bets in the competitive mobile market, Viewsonic will also release a 10 inch tablet in the first quarter of 2011. However, it will feature an earlier version of the Android operating system. This move, according to industry experts, could prove deadly for the larger tablet.

However, the 10 inch tablet will have a trick up its sleeve. It will be a dual-boot machine with an alternative operating system. Viewsonic announced that the Viewsonic 10 will feature Windows 7 Home Edition as a dual-boot option, giving it far more power in cloud computing.

One of the few downfalls that reviewers have found with the new tablet is the lack of quality with the front and rear facing cameras. The front camera will boast only .3 megapixels while the rear facing will be 3 megapixels.

Still it would appear that 7 inch tablets are anything but dead, despite Jobs prophecy.

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