Lohan Needs at Least a Year in Rehab According to Experts

Oct 24 2010
Lohan Needs at Least a Year in Rehab According to Experts

Lohan Needs at Least a Year in Rehab According to Experts - Image by 729:512 via Flickr

A news report published by CBS today stated that Lindsay Lohan who has been in the news for failing a drug test again was not sent to jail by the judge at Beverly hills’ and was asked to go back to rehab at least till the new year.

He also warned the actress that this is the last chance for her to get back on track with her life. An expert on a show said that Lindsay needs to spend a year in rehab to make a proper recovery.

Jim Moret who is the defense attorney, told reporters after the court session on Friday that the judge said that the actress is an addict. She needs to avoid holidays and needs to get treatment so that she does not get tempted to use alcohol and drugs again.

The actress had on a voluntary basis got herself admitted three weeks ago to the Betty Ford Clinic. The actress was relieved that she is not going to jail. According to a report from TMZ.com the actress told an officer that she needs work so that she can pay for her treatment as she has no money currently.

The rehab regimen is hardcore and will not be easy for the actress.

According to the Hills Treatment Center founder by Dr. Howard Samuels a person that has been to multiple treatment centers and has had multiple relapses and has also been on probation on a number of times needs at least a year to be treated.

He said that behavior doesn’t change in a month or a few months. Every aspect of a person’s life needs to be changed and this is the reason why addicts feel very difficult to achieve addiction free life.

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