Microsoft Opens Games on Windows Marketplace

Oct 23 2010
Microsoft Opens Games on Windows Marketplace

Microsoft Opens Games on Windows Marketplace - Image via Wikipedia

Late yesterday Microsoft announced that they would now allow PC based games to be purchased through Windows Marketplace, their one-stop shop for software.

The launch of PC games on the website is set to take place on November 15th, just ahead of the busy holiday shopping season.

Microsoft already allows some games to be downloaded through the site but the service requires a third-party client download. With the new system on Windows Marketplace Microsoft has eliminated the need for the third-party client when downloading from the site.

Microsoft said that when the new site is launched it will feature 100 games. They plan to add more games each month. According to a company statement, this plan was hatched some 18 months ago when the Windows Gaming Experience Group created the outline for the new plan.

As part of the new online shopping experience, Windows Marketplace will offer some of the most popular titles in the gaming world. Among those titles Halo:Reach and Fallout: New Vegas are said to be the anchors for the system.

Microsoft has decided to take aim at other online gaming centers with this newest offering. Direct2Drive, Steam and Impulse all deal in the same games that Windows Marketplace has decided to offer.

Experts have said that this move by Microsoft makes sense. Gaming is considered one of the most lucrative areas in software and technology. With the Microsoft presence in the market competition is expected to increase and possibly bring prices down.

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