Archive for: February, 2011

Player Lockout Troubling the NFL

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced this morning that he plans extensive negotiations with all club owners to prevent a possible player lockout in the 2011 NFL season. At this point the club owners want increased payments, better salary requirements and more control over the teams that they own. The NFL is not willing to give […]

Overseas Travel Declining

According to a recent report by the federal government, released yesterday, the number of US citizens that are traveling overseas has declined in the last ten years. This number is troubling to many, especially to the countries that are dealing with massive declines in their budgets as the tourism dollars begin to drop. However, many […]

Madoff Trustee Sues JP Morgan Chase

Irving Picard, the trustee in charge of the Bernie Madoff estate, announced this morning that he has filed suit against US based bank JP Morgan Chase for their part in the Ponzi scheme carried out by Madoff. According to the suit, JP Morgan Chase continued to send investors to the Madoff firm after they realized […]

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